The JCW East team is a group of individuals stemming from various stream and vocations, from those with Digital Marketing and Graphic Designing skills to those with experiences in Hospitality and Management, all united to work on several different projects we are assigned to. Our team here is primarily focused on two ventures, which are Social Media Brand Management and Event Planning.
As a part of our Social Media Brand Management service, we are ardently working on using our creative media and writing skills to bring forth engaging contents for our clients. We incorporate our client’s vision and ideas to best market their brand and put up content that goes with their theme, and also help drive conversions through their brand’s social media platforms, leading them ahead of their competition. In this current day and age, we get most of our daily updates online, hence it is of great importance for us to make full use of these platforms to market their brands in the most efficient way possible.
Our Event Management team has also been putting in great effort in building up ideas from a conceptual stage to a full-fledged event by working in partnership with the hosts. We are also dedicated to getting ourselves ahead in terms of designing, organizing, planning, and marketing an event to make it suit our client’s goals in the best way possible. Over the course of months, we have successfully invited and conducted events with noted powerlifting athletes such as Dr. Layne Norton, a Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences, a professional bodybuilder, and the director of Biolayne, and Holly Baxter, an MS APD and 2 time World Champion Fitness Model. We have also put up another successful introductory level powerlifting workshop with Rob Ali, who is ranked 8th in USAPL, with an impressive number of attendees. Our team has currently launched another very anticipated event with Patient Cena, Thailand’s strongest man, pound for pound, and are looking forward to more exciting ventures coming up ahead!